York!! - Reisverslagen van Rein Vos - WaarBenJij.nu York!! - Reisverslagen van Rein Vos - WaarBenJij.nu


For Wiswex, Pepijn and I have decided to go to the beautiful city of York! Elected as most beautiful city of England of the year 2013. We will stay in the home of some English chap (who happens to be really nice, but can be a pain) and volunteer in the library of York.

Recente Reisverslagen:

21 April 2014

Cyclist Cycle

20 April 2014

A Shameful Day

19 April 2014

Cannibalism in the Shop

18 April 2014

Glittering Library

17 April 2014

Expectations of Explorers

Actief sinds 13 April 2014
Verslag gelezen:
Totaal aantal bezoekers 2962

Voorgaande reizen:

13 April 2014 - 23 April 2014


Landen bezocht: